For immediate release

Media Contacts:
Bryan Markovitz, 503 890 2993,
Andrew Armour, 604 254 1265,

Vancouver, BC—On October 25, 26 and 27, Portland-based theatre and media ensemble Liminal will present Objects for the Emancipated Consumer at the DYNAMO Gallery in conjunction with Vancouver’s LIVE Biennial of Performance Art. Liminal’s original airport drama and 360-degree media performance premiered at the 2001 Seattle Fringe Theatre Festival and played to sold-out Portland audiences last spring. Objects for the Emancipated Consumer recently received a 2001 Portland Theatre Critic’s Drammy Award for Best Original Work.

Objects for the Emancipated Consumer tells a nonlinear story of six characters as they search for answers to an ambiguous series of crimes in a fictitious international airport terminal. Scenes from the performance run simultaneously as audience members participate by scanning bar-coded objects at the performance’s central “duty-free” shop. As in a choose-your-own-adventure novel, the audience’s interaction with the bar-code scanner activates sound, video and other media throughout the open gallery that actors directly engage. Audiences are free to watch scenes up close or from a broader perspective.

“Liminal gives you many direct opportunities to choose how you experience the performance,” says Director Bryan Markovitz. “While it is not unusual to break down the division between performers and audiences, Liminal heightens the impact of the interaction by giving participants access to media and technology that can change and inform their environment.”

Liminal is an ensemble of artists collaborating through live performance to discover new disciplines that merge theatre, the fine arts, and multimedia technologies.

The DYNAMO Arts Association was incorporated in August 1996 with a mandate to provide a forum for emerging artists working in the areas of sculpture, installation, and performance art.

It fulfils this mandate by providing eighteen publicly rented studio spaces, providing our space as a resource for community groups, and by running a non-profit gallery.

Part of the LIVE Biennial of Performance Art
Thursday—Oct. 25—9 PM
Friday—Oct. 26—9 PM
Saturday—Oct. 27—6 PM

DYNAMO Gallery
142 W Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V5N 1G9
Reservations—604 602 9005

Objects for the Emancipated Consumer is supported in part by The Allen Foundation for the Arts, Meyer Memorial Trust and STEP Technology.
