For Immediate Release  

Media Contact: Bryan Markovitz, 503.890.2993,
Public Information Line: 503.229.3979 or at

Portland, Oregon—Starting October 26, Liminal will present Interrupt, a retro-engineered multimedia performance installation. Interrupt is a unique live experience that pushes the boundaries of performance with engineered spaces where audiences, performers and technology interact.

Resisting the temptation to put the latest shiny new technology on display, Interrupt explores the underside of progress—meltdown, misfire, miscommunication. Within the performance space, audiences will participate in the operation of a mechanized, yet functioning dystopia where 'high' technology serves the most crude ends.

With Interrupt, Liminal uncovers the ambiguity between the archaic and the futuristic, the living and the programmed, and the alchemy of base materials transformed into substances of a different order. Moreover, Interrupt is about letting someone experience something they didn't quite expect and then seeing how long they will play with it before they get bored again.

Interrupt was created by more than a dozen Liminal company members and invited artists who collaborated in the design, direction, engineering, rehearsal and production of this project.

Liminal is an ensemble of artists collaborating within the context of live performance to discover new creative disciplines that are emerging at the threshold of traditional structures of theatre, the fine arts, and multimedia technologies. Our mission is to expand public interaction with performance and engage in critical dialogues about contemporary culture through an ongoing evolution of new work.

Interrupt—Interactive Hypermedia
October 26 through December 3, 2000
Thursdays through Saturdays
Staggered entry every 10 minutes 8:00-10:00 p.m.
Admission: $6-$15 pay-what-you-will
Reservations & info: 503.229.3979

At the Metropolitan Art Studio
Standard Dairy #13
2808 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd. at Graham
